The Snake

Andriy Golub, Golub Architects

The project was developed within the Design Our Ryde Competition, which aimed to carry out a comprehensive renovation of the administrative center territory of the Ryde City Center, which included: urban planning aspects – redevelopment of the road transport network, bicycle and pedestrian networks, and the formation of public space; architectural and planning aspects – design of a new city administrative center, theater, more than 6 thousand square meters of office space, dance hall, apartments for city administration employees, commercial premises, etc. The idea of the project design is to create an unforgettable image that would be typical for Ryde City, in particular, and Sydney in general.

Client: City of Ryde Government

Categories: Building Redevelopment, Service and Administration, Urban Development

Location: Ryde, Sydney, Australia

ADC: ADC entry/not built, restricted ADC 2016

Project Gallery

33.jpg, © Golub Architects, Photographer: Golub Architects
6.jpg, © Golub Architects, Photographer: Golub Architects
22.jpg, © Golub Architects, Photographer: Golub Architects
55.jpg, © Golub Architects, Photographer: Golub Architects
44.jpg, © Golub Architects, Photographer: Golub Architects

Andriy Golub, © Kristina Golub, Photographer: Kristina Golub

Andriy Golub

Golub Architects
Architect, ADC Expert

1 d, Kyivska street | 08632 Kyiv