Cooperation Partners
Bundeskammer der Ziviltechniker:innen I Arch + Ing |

Description of the Organisation
The Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants represents the professional interests of self-employed authorized Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants in different branches. Via its four members, the regional Chambers of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants it represents the interest of almost 10.000 Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants in Austria.
Within the Federal Section of Architects, the Architectural Design Competition is a priority topic and there is a special working group on ADC in force. Additionally the Chamber has implemented a database which is a supporting tool for architects and public and private clients with the aim of simplifying, improving and thus enhancing the use of Architectural Design Competition as a mean to support design and co-creation for more sustainable building and planning processes.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
The Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineers (BKZT) is the coordinator of the ARCH-E project. As such it is responsible for the overall coordination, management and implementation of the project in accordance with the Grant Agreement and is the intermediary for the communication between the beneficiaries and the Education and Culture Executive Agency.
The results of the detailed analyses on ADCs done within the Interreg Project “Cross-border Network of Competence for ADCs” in cooperation with the Bavarian Chamber of Architects form the basis for the current ARCH-E project, taken onto an European level.
Architects' Council of Europe - Conseil des Architectes d'Europe |

Description of the Organisation
The Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level: it aspires to speak with a single voice on its behalf in order to achieve its aims. Its growing membership currently consists of 49 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, Accession Countries, the UK, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over half a million architects from 30 countries in Europe.
ACE's Mission is to
- influence, through advocacy, EU legislation & policies that impact on our strategic priorities;
- be an influential and valued source of authoritative information for the architectural profession in Europe;
- act as the unified voice of the architectural profession in the European institutions;
- be an effectively networked representative body for EU architects and practices;
- create an enabling practice and regulatory environment for architects & practices;
- demonstrate the role of architects in creating a truly competitive, enriching and sustainable Europe.
To this end, ACE applies its Core Value sets, with the aim of being:
- credible, relevant, reliable;
- informed, influential, timely;
- innovative, strategic, visionary.
ACE's Vision is to make a difference, and to advance architecture as a strategy for innovation, leading to greater competitiveness and profitability.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
The Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) is the Communication and Dissemination leader of the ARCH-E project. It is responsible for running the social media of the project, and it will actively contribute to the ARCH-E platform.
Hrvatska komora arhitekata

Description of the Organisation
The Croatian Chamber of Architects was founded in June 2009.
It has approx. 2800 active members. CCA has its headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia.
Croatian Chamber of Architects, among other things preserves the reputation of the profession, maintains different registers of authorized architects, authorized architects - spatial planners and landscape architects, but also building engineers. CCA is also responsible for maintaining the register of foreign authorized architects and for recognition of formal and professional qualifications of architects.
CCA also maintains the register of validated ADC's and is the main authority for validation of ADC's conducted by other organisers.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
The Chamber of Croatian Architects is a partner in the ARCH-E project. Participates in all activities specified in the Grant Agreement. CCA enters the project with experience in the field of validation and registering of competitions. It expects to compare regulatory environments and experiences in the way competitions are organized so connecting tools and data can be developed.
Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije |

Description of the Organisation
Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (ZAPS) - Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia is Professional Organization of chartered Architects, Landscape Architects and Spatial Planners of Slovenia. It has approx. 1600 members, mainly architects (1200). ZAPS has its headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
ZAPS is responsible to maintain the register of qualified persons, to execute Professional examination and to oversee conduct of registrants, ZAPS`s activities include provision of professional support to members, organisation of Architectural competitions and Continuing professional development learning program.
ZAPS pays special attention to the organization and development of the ADC system, continuously improving tools and templates for organizing competitions, mainly because ADC are almost the only way of quality-based procurement of architectural services in Slovenia. The number of contests in Slovenia is continuously increasing, and they are becoming more and more popular among the clients.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
The Chamber of Architecture and Space of Slovenia is a partner in the ARCH-E project. Participates in all activities specified in the Grant Agreement, and is specifically in charge of organizing and conducting Project meeting I.
ZAPS enters the project with extensive experience in the field of competition organization, which it wants to further deepen, especially through a comparative analysis of regulatory environments, the way competitions are organized and connecting tools that can be developed on the basis of this data.
Cyprus Architects Association

Description of the Organisation
The Cyprus Architects Association was founded in 1981 with the aim to advance the quality of Architecture as a Science and Art, to protect the profession of Architect, to train Architects members, to improve legislation on technical matters and informing the public about architecture issues.
The multi-year efforts of Cyprus Architects Association, in order to create a single “Representative Body of Architects” that will house all the Architects of Cyprus, were accomplished in 2012. The upgrade of the now “single scientific and professional body” as the only partner of the society and the State in the issues concerning architecture and the world of architects, is an important achievement and perhaps the culmination of the 30-year history of Cyprus Architects Association.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
The Cyprus Architects Association (CAA) is the partner of the ARCH-E project. Main objectives of this partnership are the Elaboration of a European Research Plan on national architectural design competitions (ADC) procedures and standard in all partner countries, their similarities, differences and peculiarities, in order to identify the best practice examples.
The main aim of Cyprus Architects Association in ARCH-E is to improve ADCs procedures and quality standards to meet requirements set by EU policy at national level, and lead to a better transnational for architects' participation in ADCs.
Bundesarchitektenkammer (BAK), Bundesgemeinschaft der Architektenkammern, Körperschaften des Öffentlichen Rechts e.V.

Description of the Organisation
The “Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V.” (BAK - Federal Chamber of German Architects) is the governing body of the 16 Federal State Chambers of Architects in Germany. It represents the interests of about 138.000 architects in politics and the public on a national and international level. Although both architect and building order regulations are a matter of individual federal state legislation, many important political decisions pertaining to the profession are made in Berlin or Brussels.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
As one of the ten project partners of the ARCH-E project, the “Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V.” (BAK – Federal Chamber of German Architects) actively contributes to and participates in all work packages. Moreover, they are responsible for organizing and hosting the second partner meeting in Berlin.
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)

Description of the Organisation
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a young university, founded in 1956 by industry, local government and academia.
We educate students and advance knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. We integrate education and research to enable our students and scientists to become thought leaders and to design and achieve the unimaginable. In close collaboration with our public and private partners, we translate our basic research into meaningful solutions.
TU/e offers academic education that is driven by fundamental and applied research. Our educational philosophy is based on personal attention and room for individual ambitions and talents. Our research meets the highest international standards of quality. We push the limits of science, which puts us at the forefront of rapidly emerging areas of research.
TU/e combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on mentality. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. We understand things by making them and we make things by understanding them.
We foster an open culture where everyone feels free to exchange ideas and take initiatives.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is one of the ten partners of the ARCH-E project. TU/e is contributing in all work packages, and co-leading work package 2. Work package 2 aims to develop an European Survey on ADC Systems. In particular, TU/e is leading the development of 8 national country reports describing ADCs’ national situation, as well as 1 report with frameworks at EU level, including best practice examples of ADC systems.
Universitat Politècnica de València

Description of the Organisation
Universitat Politècnica de València [UPV] is a public university committed to teaching quality, developing relevant research and promoting an entrepreneurial attitude. An institution that promotes changes in society through its transformative creativity, a real force for action for collective progress.
Capable of generating and attracting national and international talent, the UPV stands out for the high quality of its curricula -including a demanding double degree programme- for its varied offer of lifelong learning and the prestige of its master's and doctoral programmes on the international scene. In short, for its differentiated, modern, flexible training, adapted to the demands of society.
The UPV is an actual social network: it is a university open to institutions, companies, professionals and other universities, which seeks to develop the employability of its students to the maximum. The Universitat Politècnica de València is an innovative university that puts its scientific potential at the service of research and business development, making it a national leader in the exploitation of patents.
The UPV is firmly committed to Valencian society's cultural, social and economic development, to which it contributes through scientific, technical and artistic support.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
Universitat Politècnica de València [UPV] is one of the ten partners of the ARCH-E project. UPV contributes and actively participates in all work packages, leading part of work package 2. Work package 2 is aimed at producing the European Survey on ADC Systems, and the UPV, in particular, will lead the online questionnaire for architects and the Architects' Needs Report.
SEPA Engineering GmbH

Description of the Organisation
SEPA is a strategic IT partner for international clients and provides one-stop solutions to fulfil their technology and business needs. We aim to achieve excellence in global markets with best-in-class, reliable, and scalable web and mobile app development services. The SEPA Group includes more than 8 companies specialising in high-tech solutions in the fields of financial systems, green tech, pharmacy and architecture.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
We want to support our Project ARCH-E in advising in technology, development and IT. We want to bring the project results in the right digital form and to solve all technical issues. We are very happy to be part of this great project.
Magyar Építész Kamara |

Description of the Organisation
The Chamber of Hungarian Architects fully agrees with the objectives of this Project and is a committed supporter of selecting architects through Architectural Desing Competitions as often as possible. At the same time, he wants to leave the national framework and provide the widest possible international opportunities for the members of the Hungarian Architectural society.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
In order to ensure the legality and professional quality of architectural activities, the Chamber of Hungarian Architects perform the public tasks assigned to it by the Act of Chamber or Government Decree.
The goal of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects is to assert interests related to architectural activities, during which it strives to effectively represent and protect the interests of architects, within the framework of:
- checks the professionalism the call of the architectural design competitions,
- delegates a highly qualified architect as member to the jury of the architectural design competition,
- monitors the work of the architect delegated to the planning boards and the ADC jury with their reports by holding them accountable.
UIA - International Union of Architects |

Description of the Organisation
Founded in 1948, the International Union of Architects (UIA) is a federation of national professional organisations working to unify architects, influence public policies and advance architecture in service to the needs of society. Through its Member Sections, the UIA is represented in over 120 countries and territories.
Kammer der Architekten, R.L.D. der Provinz Bozen | Ordine degli Architetti, P.P.C. della Provincia di Bolzano

Description of the Organisation
The Chamber of Architects in South Tyrol (Province of Bolzano) is a public-law corporation established by Law No. 1395/1923. Its primary responsibilities revolve around maintaining a professional register for approximately 1,200 architects located in South Tyrol. The chamber also focuses on safeguarding professional titles and the interests of the professional group while ensuring the proper and ethical practice of architecture among its members. Furthermore, the chamber offers support to its members in matters related to fee disputes, collaborates at both local and national levels on legislative initiatives, and organizes continuing education programs to enhance professional development.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
As a cooperation partner in the Arch-E project, which aims to foster collaboration among European chambers and organizations, our chamber is committed to facilitating opportunities for exchange and facilitating the sharing of proposals for improvement on a national scale.
Conseil National de l'Ordre des Architectes (FR)

Description of the Organisation
The Order of Architects, established by the Law of January 3, 1977 on architecture, is a private law body responsible for public service missions. The Order of Architects brings together 30,000 architects, in 25,310 architectural companies which post a turnover of 6 billion euros and generate 60 billion euros of work for companies.
The National Council of the Order of Architects contributes in France to the representation of the profession to the public authorities and is consulted on all questions of interest to the profession and the construction sector.
Committed for many years to sustainable urban planning and architecture, the National Council considers that the architect plays an essential role in taking into account the quality of the living environment of the French people.
The National Council participates in the Arch-E Project in order to promote architectural design competitions (ADC) for aiming high quality projects and defending general interest in all construction and planning project.
Czech Chamber of Architects (CZ)

Description of the Organisation
The Czech Chamber of Architects (CCA) was established as an entity under public law by Act No. 360/1992 Coll., on Professional Practice of Certified Architects and on the Professional Practice of Certified Engineers and Technicians Active in Construction, and its subsequent amendments. With headquarters in Prague and jurisdiction throughout the Czech Republic, it also represents the profession abroad.
The CCA is responsible for the professional and ethical standards of architects in the Czech Republic and their integration into European and other professional structures. In accordance with its founding legislation, it is the professional association for all certified architects, as well as certified urban planners and certified landscape architects.
The CCA certifies architects from the Czech Republic and is a body of recognition for architects from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein who decide to work in the Czech Republic, either as guests or as established residents, and registers these persons for the practice of the profession within the territory of the Czech Republic.
The CCA's purpose is to serve the profession, architects, their clients and the public. The CCA prevents any unnecessary and unjustified restriction of the rights of any participants in the market and promotes fair conditions in the market for architectural services.
Through its elected representatives, the CCA strives for the legal and legitimate execution of all of the functions entrusted to it. At the same time, it recognises the democratic professional association as an important attribute of civil society and as a practical tool for the administration of independent, freelance professions.
sia - Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (CH) |

Description of the Organisation
The Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) is Switzerland’s leading professional association for construction, technology and environment specialists. With over 16,000 members from the fields of engineering and architecture, the SIA is a highly professional and interdisciplinary network whose central aim is to promote sustainable and high-quality design of the built environment in Switzerland.
SIA International represents the professional interests of members of the SIA working internationally or based outside of Switzerland. SIA international aims at providing international visibility for architectural and engineering excellence made in Switzerland, facilitating market access internationally as well as reinforcing cross-border professional networks and contacts.
Competitions have a long tradition in Swiss architectural and engineering practice and are well established among public and private commissioners. Their regulation is embedded in a larger set of procurement guidelines for planning and design services. SIA in this context is the leading institution on a national level since the publication of the first guideline in 1877. In addition to competition and procurement guidelines, it provides a wide range of services related to competitions.
Description of the role in ARCH-E
SIA international ( is a cooperation partner within the ARCH-E-Team coordinating good practice inputs by SIA-commissions and SIA-bodies related to competitions and procurement.
The main interest in participation in this project are:
- the involvement in the planned surveys and benefitting from potential insights,
- extending the transnational network and contact with other European architectural chambers,
- crosslinking well established websites publicizing competitions nationally with international competition platforms,
- sharing the projects results as input for the further evolution of competition culture in Switzerland.